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tv   FOX and Friends First  FOX News  August 6, 2013 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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>> a global computer system crashed potentially 400 airports and 100 airlines in the last few hours around the world. american jetblue, virgin, australia, united and others experienced overnight problems for about two and a half hours. vir again has been manual clicking in customers saber which is the system says 300 million passengers are put on airplanes every year they are using technology. this morning the reservation system says saber customers were unable to connect to the system for a period of time this evening t. has been restored . they apologize and regret the problem caused. >> if you are out flying check
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your flights. it will have a ripple respect tlau out the day. >> we have another fox news alert for you. three people are dead after a gunman opened fire on a town hall meeting in pennsylvania. police say the gunman blasted through a wall beganed firing before he was tackleed by a local man. it happened at 7:30 in ross township 85 miles north of philadelphia. 59-year-old newly, newly had an ongoing dispute of the township after it was possibly condemned. that's when he was taken down. >> i wasn't there but phone conversations i had at the beginning was very, very hectic.
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>> the victims have not been identified but there are three men. newell has been leased from police custody. >> we are hours away from the trial of haehneling hasan. he describes himself as a soldier of allah. new documents provide insight into the radicalization. a psychiatric investigation say his journey ban back in 2001 when his mother died. believes his military service was in direct conflict with his religious belief. he quoted as saying aim muslim first. i have to help my muslim brothers overseas. he is representing shichl in the trial. he faces the death penalty if convicted. overnight rescue crews recover the body of one of the crew members on board a u.s.
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military helicopter that crashed in japan. the unidentified crew member was on board the hh 60 rescue chopper when it went down during training missions on japan's southern island of okinawa. three others survived and they are recovering. they are asking the u.s. not to fly this type of helicopter until they see what caused the crash. the reception from the crowd not so warm. >> lots of boos. a rod hit a single the first time at bat. he was suspended 200 plus games by major league baseball for his ladies and gentlemened connection to a miami clinic. he immediately appealed that. it's a process that is expected to keep them on the field through the end of the season.
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before the game he did not deny using the drugs. >> we are here now. i am a human being. i have had two hip surgeries, two knee surgeries, i am fighting for my life, i have to defend myself. if i don't defend myself no one else will. >> 12 other players including 12 stars nelson cruz, edward cabrera were banned 50 games each all can return during the playoffs. >> john aerial furgason died by lethal injection last night. his lawyer said he was too mentally ill to be put to death. >> the republican national committee with an all tultimatu cnn on nbc. cut out the love for hillary
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clinton or get cut out by 2016. both preparing specials by the former secretary of will likely air before the election. he is considered to be a democratic frontrunner for president even if she hasn't said it is running. the rnc chairman is urging them to cancel the quote political ad that is masquerading as an unbiassed production. here he is last night on "hannity." >> we had a traveling circus 30 years ago it's time we cut out those people that are spending their time and money promoting our opponents. i am not going to sit around and let it happen. >> now to a fox news alert for you. within the last hour the state department has ordered all american citizens and nonessential state department of personnel to leave yemen.
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19 of the embassies and consulates to close this week. peter doocy joins us from washington with more. good morning, peter. >> heather, the state department order for all americans in yemen to get out right now comes just one day after a critical detail was revealed about why the united states is so concerned about a terrorist attack at this time and has to do with someone in yemen. the head of the al qaeda based yes ma'am men's law communicated withal guide that kind of direct contact is reportedly wear and that communication was intercepted. the threat emanates from the peninsula clearly it is the most active terrorist organization there. it has been the most operational active affiliate of al qaeda. beyond that i won't get into the
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details of who might be behind the stress. >> the consulate were going to keep the doors closed through the end of ramadan this weekend. it will extend further into august. we believe this threat is significant and we are taking it seriously for that reason. we have taken the action of the state department in abundance of caution. we will continue to monitor this and take action as necessary. >> officials are alarmed by this threat because al qaeda and arabian peninsula show they use very unconventional methods behind the failed underwear bombing and failed printer cartridge bombing in 2010.
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>> peter doocy reporting this morning. >> upgraded from a tropical storm to a hurricane in the pacific ocean. for more on that we turn to maria molina. >> a few minutes ago the national hurricane center made a statement the storm system has been upgrade to do a hurricane. it has been tins fying. right now the storm system has maximum sustained winds at 75 miles an hour am it is a low grade hurricane. strong winds expected with the storm system. you are lacking at gusts hire than 75 miles an hour. in hawaii the storm system is headed towards we had cold waters here. take a look at the storm by thursday. we are pektsing it to weaken eventually to a depression of the storm system.
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a hurricane but it is forecast the weekend as we head into the next four-days. across the center of the country across the plains in the northwest even potential for severe weather with damaging winds possible. temperature wise across parts of the great lakes and the northeast. yesterday we were in the 70s today we are into the 80s. dangerous levels of heat. a number of excessive heat warnings for states like oklahoma, parts of arkansas, louisiana and also widespread in texas. >> it was bizarre yesterday. august and a little cool. >> felt kind of like september, october fkt i thought i was going for a pumpkin spice latte. >> stunning images from a camera of the fire chief from the asian gnaw airlines crash happened last month in san francisco. it shows moments crews arrived on scene. the desperate attempt to save
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the hundreds of passengers inside. local investigators are looking at the footage as part of the investigation of a 16-year-old dmienz student who was hit and killed by a fire truck on the runway. two other chinese teams died in the accident. more of the agency is recently expanded the reach the sporting event. concerts even rodeo. viper teams for flowingsnal response is making random security checks. some say they aren't necessary and they are inclusives -- intrusive. >> the jury will start deliberating james whitey buolg reshg. closing arguments took 6 hours yesterday. bulger is accused of taking part in 17 murders in the 90s and
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80s. prosecutors call bulger one of the most vicious violent criminals who ever walked the streets of boston. he has pleaded not guilty. >> one of the biggest news tape in the country the "washington post" is being sold. the buyer who is paying $250 million out of his own pocket. the paper reported schilling itself after years of decline in print, circulation and ad sales. the post says it's operating revenue has fallen nearly 50 percent over the past six years. it is now 11 minutes after the ptop of the hour. it's a bad look for a beauty queen. she is arrested with her friends with a series of friends using homemade explosives. >> tony stewart won't be getting behind the wheel for a while while he is being force to do hit the breaks on the season. uh-oh! guess what day it is??
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guess what day it is! huh...anybody? julie! hey...guess what day it is?? ah come on, i know you can hear me. mike mike mike mike mike... what day is it mike? ha ha ha ha ha ha! leslie, guess what today is? it's hump day. whoot whoot! ronny, how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? i'd say happier than a camel on wednesday. hump day!!! yay!! get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. these are sandra's "homemade" yummy, scrumptious bars. hmm? i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness... and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one.
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golden opportunity sales event and choose from one of five lexus hybrids that's right for you, including the lexus es and ct hybrids. ♪ this is the pursuit of perfection.
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to do >> welcome back archnd thank yo for watching "fox & friends first". four utah teens are in custody over suspicion of throwing homemade bombs over the weekend. >> one of the teenagers a local beauty queen. >> this doesn't happen very often in riverton. >> a quiet suburb of salt lake city. over the weekend that quiet was
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shattered by a series of explosions. four 18-year-olds built and detonated a series of homemade bombs. they were throwing these at people with the intent to cause harm from what i understand. with the intent to cause harm to either people or property this goes well beyond a teenaged prank. >> captain said they used plastic bottles aluminum foil and household chemicals to make the explosives and went around throwing bombs at homes. >> all were surprised not only did we have one occurrence of this happening we had up to 10 happening. >> among those raised is kendra gill a local beauty queen crowned miss riverton back in june. she was to compete in the utah pageant next year. christopher stone said he and his friends were pranking with fireworks. but authorities say this was no joke. >> they are caustic and nasty so
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they can cause injury to somebody just if the chemicals get on somebody much less the fragmentation of the shrapnel damage that can be cuaused. >> they were arrested on suspicion of detonating incendiary devices. no injuries and no major damage reported. a 17-year-old boy accused of fatally punching a soccer referee during the game. the teen has been charged with homicide by assault. this happened when the boy punched the ref on the side of the head after being penalized during a game back in april. the man was taken to the hospital where he slipped into a coma and died. in court his daughters confronted the kirl. >> it's not right for you to do what you did. it's not right. you messed up and you took our dad away. >> the boy received a maximum
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sentence which means staying in juvenile custody until he is 21 years old. >> one part of obama care is rolling out early which means you can have your very ohno bam ma care account. >> kathleen seb beelius says yo can go on-line to healthcare .gv to sign up. all you can do is create a user name and pass word. you can wait until october 1st before you can sign up on insurance plan on the state exchanges. down on its luck detroit now looking to see if it has anything valuable they met life you to -- they might give you to sell. they have hired christie's auction house to display the massive art collection. the appraisal is necessary but right now detroit has no plans to sell any of the 60,000 works
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of art. >> the time now is 18 minutes after the hour. next on the rundown a program designed to help our wounded warriors excel in business. it is instead helping cons line their wallets. a truck looking over a guardrail off the massive highway. it is all caught on tape. the amazing ending to this crash you will not believe. mine was earned in djibouti, africa. 2004. vietnam in 1972.
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[ all ] fort benning, georgia in 1999. [ male announcer ] usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection and because usaa's commitment to serve military members, veterans, and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve.
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still running in the morning? yeah. getting your vegetables every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories.
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>> welcome back. the husband of a newlywed killed
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after after being plowed down by a vehicle. they were on their honeymoon. both struck by the suspect. he survived his new wife did not. >> can't explain what happened and what i see. i want to come back with her. >> really hard to watch. dozens gathered for a vigil to remember her and the 16 others injured in the accident. the driver nathan campbell is being held on $1 million bail. >> two pilots managed to escape injuries when their corporate jet jumpover shot the runway wh trying to land. it happened at eden prairie,
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minnesota yesterday. the accident being investigated the faa this morning. a program designed to help our wounded warriors excel in business. it is instead helping con artists line their wallet. they are looking at widespread fraud in the veteran's own business program. they give special treatment to small businesses owned by disabled veterans when awarding large government contracts. turns out many company owners lied about their military service lawmakers gave new legislation to hopefully reign in the abuse. they still played last night in chicago. they did not get a warm reception in our crowd. a rod could be allowed to play through the end of the season. >> good morning to you. you can buy the jerseys of many
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yankees players here at the yankees clubhouse story in times square. a rod is nowhere in sight. he made his return in chicago and wasn't received very warmly. (booing) >> you heard the boos reigniain down. a rod will be suspended for 211 games. it begins thursday and lasts through next season. he can play as he appeals that suspension. it is the longest suspension for doping ever handed down by major league baseball. before the game a rod refused to admit he had taken form man's enhancing drugs. >> i am sure there have been mistakes made along the way. i am here now. i am a human being. i have had two hip surgeries two
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knee surgeries. i am fighting for my life. i have to defend myself. if i don't defend myself no on else will. >> more than 50 were suspended but the 50 game suspensions will last for part of the regular game season but they will be able to return in time for the playoffs. >> robert moses live for us in new york. the time 26 after the top of the hour. coming up attorney generaler rake ho -- eric holder using your tax dollars to travel across the country. the problem is it's not work related. >> tony stewart is rushed to the hospital after an accident on the crash. the latest on his condition coming up. first this day in history back in 1996 nasa scientists announce the discovery of life on mars.
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i can't always keep my kids' socks clean. but at least i can help keep their underwear clean. that's why there's charmin ultra strong. i'll take that. go get 'em, buddy! it cleans so well and you can use up to four times less than the leading bargain brand. [ female announcer ] charmin ultra strong has a duraclean texture that's soft and more durable to help your kids get clean while still using less. and its four times stronger than the leading bargain brand. wow, you cleaned up a lot! you did too, pal! [ laughs ] we all go. why not enjoy the go with charmin ultra strong?
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the physical damage was pretty bad. the emotional toll was even worse. our daughter had nightmares. what that robber really took from us was our peace of mind. with adt, we got it back. [ male announcer ] every 14.6 seconds, a burglary takes place in the united states. so rely on the fast alarm response of adt. a single adt system can help protect you from burglary, fire, and high levels of carbon monoxide.
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when an alarm is received, adt calls the local authorities for help. and you can get this monitored protection, plus great local service, starting for just over $1 a day. and only adt offers a theft protection guarantee. take it from me. the time to think about a security system isn't after something bad happens -- it's before. [ male announcer ] call now and get adt installed for just $99. you could save a lot more than money. hurry, and take advantage of these savings. adt. always there. >> it is august 6th. breaking developments for you in the latest terror threat against america. new details about who is behind it. and the underwear bomb. remember that? that was just the beginning. terrorists now using exploding clothing. >> then a travel nightmare this morning. hundreds of flights grounded around the world because of a computer outage.
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>> and they are here talking party schools. which are they? that and much more coming up. fox and friends first starts right now. it is tuesday. in case you are keeping count. welcome to fox and frien-- "foxs first". >> i am ainsley earhardt. >> it is 31 minutes after the hour. a fox news alert massive airport delays could cause travel nightmares all around the world. a noble reservation system crashing overnight crashes hundreds of flights. >> jolene kemp has the latest for us. what's the latest for us? >> the global computer system crashes in hundreds of airports in the last few hours around the world. american jetblue, virgin, australia, united others
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experienced overnight problems for 2 and a half hours. they delayed 50 flights. couldn't take off on time. virgin manually checked in their customers. south africa's international airport said the british airlines flights delayed as well. saber the reservation system says 300 million passengers are put on airplanes using their technology every day and almost a billion people have actually used it. in a statement by fox news the reservation system says saber customers were unable to connect for a period of time this evening. this has been restored and everyone is able to connect to saber. we apologize and regret the inconvenience caused. they are back on-line. if you are flying today check the status to your travel. the outage is expected to have a ripple effect on takeoff and landing times through out the day. back to you. >> jo, thank you so much. >> three people dead after a gunman opened fire on a town
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hall meeting in pennsylvania. police say this gunman blasted through a wall and just began firing. this happened at 7:30 last night in ross township. 85 miles north of philadelphia. investigators identified that shooter as 59-year-old newell. he had an ongoing dispute over his property possibly being condemned. before being caught he went out to his car to get another weapon when he tried to get back inside that's when he was taken down by officials. >> i wasn't there. the phone conversations in the beginning were very, very hectic. >> newly has been treated and released into police custody. >> we are hours away from the beginning of the fort hood
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shooting trial. major nadal hasan is charged with murdering dozens in a rampage. he described himself as a soldier of allah. new documents show his journey to islam started after his mother died in 2001 it goes on to say he believes his military service was in direct conflict in t with his religious muslim beliefs. he is representing himself in the trial. he faces the death penalty if convicted. >> a tragic story out of canada. after being killed by a 15 foot long python snake. the 5 and 7-year-old was staying in friend's apartment staying at a pet store.
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>> the 100 pound african rock python somehow escaped the pet store got moo the ventilation system. the huge reptile either crushed the boys or strangled them while they were sleeping. forget about bragging eric holder knows how to fly first half. boy is it costing us. new numbers reveal the attorney general racked up over a million dollars in travel expenses. one of the trips costing 95,000 dollars to martha's vineyard. 200,000 dollars to give commencement speeches at 3 ivy league schools. it turns out he spent 113,000 for four trips. while in office just as we get liberal advocacy groups. most were made on board a jet which costs more than $50 million.
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a 14-year-old utah boy found alive after surviving four-days alone in the woods. they are required to hand over their shoes as a way to encourage them from running away. this child was barefooted. >> all americans are being urged to leave yemen immediately. that according to the state department which is also moving all nonessential personnel out of that country. this as we learn more about what prompt this had terror threat. doug luzader is live in washington this morning. >> while the u.s. facilities in all of these countries will remain closed today there is a special focus in yemen where the state department is telling u.s. citizens to get out. now the embassy in yemen was already closed.
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they are declaring nonemergency u.s. personnel to leave the country. yesterday an acknowledgment the current terror threat is rooted in that part of the muslim world. >> this tlihreat emanates from e peninsula. clearly a terrorist organization there. it has been an active affiliate of al qaeda. >> now we know much of the so-called chatter we have been hearing about are communications between these men osama bin laden's successor and the head. the decision to close u.s. all over the world has been met by bipartisan approval. they had to refrain the often repeated campaign claim that al qaeda was on the run. >> not sure about that. thank you so much doug luzader
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live for us this morning. >> now to an extreme weather lart for you within the past hour. hen the storm could be hitting the land by the end of next week. for more we turn to weather. >> 75 miles per hour maximum sustained winds. this is a concern. the one bit of good news is that we expect the storm system to continue to weaken over the next several days. take a look where it is over the open water continues to move west ward and will be moving over much cooler water. the colder temperatures will help weaken the storm system. it should be a tropical storm as we head into thursday. by this weekend coming up on saturday by about 8:00 p.m. it should be weakening into just a depression before impacting sections of hawaii. it is before impacting land.
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across parts of the u.s. we are lacking at areas of showers and thunderstorms for the potential of severe weather sections of wisconsin, minnesota parts of kansas and as far east as illinois. it is in parts of the plains in the midwest. temperature wise warming up across sections of the great lakes. yesterday you were only in the 70s in cities like cleveland and new york city and chicago today much warmer 86 for the high temperature in chicago. a little bit to the west and a little bit to the south parts of oklahoma, texas, louisiana even arkansas will be dealing with extreme temperatures. actual temperatures in the triple tig gets you add a little humidity and it will be feeling a little hotter than that. heat warnings in effect. you are talking dangerous
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levels. a staggering number of children are injured playing sports every year. a new study by the kids worldwide more than 1 million children went to the emergency room for sports injuries. about one every 25 seconds. concussions and fractures topping the list. football responsible for most of those injuries. >> three time nascar champion tony stewart rushed to the hospital after sprant car accident in iowa. he reportedly suffer add broken leg. he wasn't alert. stewart was leading with 5 laps to go when another car spun around ran into stewart. his car flipped several times. this comes a day after stewart finished 9th in a nascar race at pocono raceway. >> glee is back in production after taking a break in the
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death of corey monteith. >> the cast return to go the set on monday for the first time since the overdose last month. >> sources say it was a tough dap on the set. the episode of the show will be a tribute to the fallen star. the series premiers next month. it is 41 minutes after the top of the hour. frightening information from the fbi which could effe money. why your investments could be over exposed. and breast-feeding turns out it isn't just good for baby. it could prevent serious health problems for mom. ♪ when i'm halfway into your heart ♪
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♪ you have to let me know [ female announcer ] when sweet and salty come together, the taste is irresistible. sweet and salty nut bars by nature valley. nature at its most delicious.
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a quarter million tweeters is beare tweeting. and 900 million dollars are changing hands online. that's why hp built a new kind of server. one that's 80% smaller. uses 89% less energy. and costs 77% less. it's called hp moonshot. and it's giving the internet the room it needs to grow. this&is gonna be big. hp moonshot. it's time to build a better enterprise. together.
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>> good tuesday morning to you and your family. let's make it a great week. there's another benefit to breast-feeding. a new british study finds it could decrease your chance of getting alzheimer's later in life. certain biological effects of breast-feeding like restoring a women's glucose tolerance after pregnancy and rebalancing levels of important hormones might play a part of protecting the brain against the onset of the disease. the longer a women spends breast-feeding the yolower the overall risk of dementia. >> keeping car and trucks longer than everything. the average age of vehicle 11 and a half years. researchers say people are keeping them because of the
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great quality and drivers are trying to avoid monthly payments. all of this despite the latest news, though, that new car sales are still on the rise. bp wants to cut off money awarded to residents for the company's 2010 oil spill. court parps have fraud inside the settlement program that handed out billions of dollars. within the past week they discovered two lawyers who managed the program had conflicts of interest. the district judge requested a similar request from the company last month. >> a scary new report out this morning says that the fbi has discovered holes in the government system that is supposed to protect the country's economic data. here with more is the fox business network diane macedo. >> law enforcement officials found a number of vulnerabilities in these black boxes used by the government in order to control the release of sensitive economic data like the monthly unemployment rate for
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example. that's according to the report by the inspector general by the officers department that says while the black boxes are supposed to operate like a trapdoor only embargoes on the lift the fbi has several ways to bypass the system. it is a broad increase whether the media outlets are sending to trait trards which could violate insider trading laws. they tell the wall street journal the fbi has been long concerned about what it considers to be suspicious trading activity that occurs just before the economic data is released. the report didn't say whether investigators didn't found any specific instance of which any one knowingly exploited the weaknesses of the black boxes. more investigating needs to don. >> still ahead a her roorrific caught on tape. a truck flipping over on a massive highway. the amazing ending to the crash
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coming up. >> if you are worried about sending your child off to college you need to hear this list this morning. the top party school. what are they? but first let's check in with steve doocy to see what's coming up on fox and friends. >> that was actually a documentary from my college. >> wildman. >> let's see if any of the schools tonight paying tuition are on that list. the foods you eat might actually be making you sick. we are going to breakdown what you need to know before you head to the supermarket next time. lewey gomer joins us live and five companies hiring this week. they are playing wheel of fun with the original host of wheel of fore kun chuck woler re. they had a play of the lifetime thanks to the cleveland browns. we have a busy three hours kicks off in 11 and a half minutes. right here on your channel for news.
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then i better use the capital one purchase eraser to redeem my venture miles for this trip. purchase eraser? it's the easy way to erase any recent travel expense. i just pick a charge, like my flight with a few taps, it's taken care of. impressive baldwin. does it work for hotels? absolutely thank goodness. mrs. villain and i are planning our... you scare me. and i like it. let's go what's in your wallet?
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>> welcome back. nearly 1,000 people gather outside a sikh temple in wisconsin to remember that tragic shooting one year ago. as you may remember police say a white supremacist shot and killed six people before taking his own life. the son of a victim says his mother would be proud of how his temple turned it into a chance to raise awareness. >> take a look. a cadillac sideswipes a newspaper truck, flips it over the guardrail. the truck goes airborne before landing on that exit ramp below. the truck was mangled but
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the driver managed tows cape. the woman in the other car charged with drunk driving. >> even if you leave your keys with a friend during a night out on the town you may still be in danger. turns out the number of drinking and walking deaths is on the rise. new data shows nearly half of all pedestrians age 25 to 34 who died last year were alcohol impaired. this comes as the government rolls out a new program to reduce pedestrian deaths. speaking of drinking, the princeton review unveils their list of the nation's top party schools. number 3, the university of illinois at urbana. number two, u.c. santa barbara and the number one party school, the big ten topping the list, the university of iowa. we've got this, the top stone cold sober schools, number three, college. ozarks. number two, wheaton college
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and number one brigham young university. the rankings are based on surveys taken by students. simon cowell might have gotten his best friend's wife pregnant but don't accused him of adultery. he wants his name removed of legal documents involving the birth of his baby mama. sources say there was no need to name him in the divorce papers that silverman was embarrassed. simon cowell said he wants to keep the situation private but he does plan to provide for that child. never before seen photos released of marilyn monroe with american troops during the korean war. the blonde bombshell meeting, greeting and performing for soldiers nearing the end of their time on the front line. heritage auctions is selling the historic pictures. the starting price? just $400. pretty neat. >> coming up next on the rundown, what you need to know before you leave the
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house including the latest on those airport delays caused by computer problems. >> it was almost a perfect game until there was a big mechanical mistake. ♪ do the kwrerbg -- do the jerk ♪ ♪ put on your ♪ put on your ♪ red dress [ female announcer ] the best thing about this bar it's not a candy bar. 130 calories 7 grams of protein the fiber one
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caramel nut protein bar.
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>> it is about two minutes till the top of the hour. before you leave the house here's what's happening today. mayhem at a town meeting in northeastern pennsylvania has left three people dead. police say 59-year-old rock ni newell blasted through a wall and started shooting. he is in police custody. if you're flying today
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you may want to call ahead. the airline system used by more than 300 airlines and more than 100 airports worldwide went down for two hours overnight. the trial of the man who carried out the fort hood shooting begins today. nidal hasan will represent himself. he is charged in the 2009 attacks that left 13 people dead. >> now it's time for the good, the bad, and the ugly. we're going to start with the good. a disabled dog helps out his pal by opening the door for him. these two dogs were lounging outside when one of the dogs decides it's time to go inside but can't figure out how. that's when the three-legged buddy steps in to help. next the bad. >> holy you see that? >> a bowler's chance at a perfect game ruined when that game rack comes down blocking the bowling ball on the last roll. >> the ugly. the fan who rushed a stage
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at a music concert taken down nfl tackle style by security. >> thank you so much for joining us today. >> we enjoyed it. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> bye. >>gretchen: good morning. it is tuesday, august 6, 2013. hope you're going to have a great day. i'm gretchen carlson. thanks for sharing your time. that terror threat is not over. in fact, an attack may be imminent. another u.s. embassy ordered to evacuate. new details. >>steve: the republican party take the stand. the ultimatum it is giving cnn and nbc for planning to air pro-hillary clinton movies before the 2016 election. wait until you hear this, judge, and he never saw it coming. >> a


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